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bimorphic patternすなわちsquamous cellcarcinomaとsarcoma-like stromaよりなる一群の疾患に対しては,pseudocarcinosarcoma(1931,Dal Pozzo),carcinosarcoma(1938,Saphir andVass),carcinoma with spindling sarcomatousareas(1940,Frank and Lev),pseudosarcoma(1957,Lane),spindle cell carcinoma(1963,Sherwin),squamous cell carcinoma with sarcomalikc stroma(1965,Appelman),pleomorphiccarcinoma(1965,Himalstein),spindle cell squamous carcinoma(1970,Lichtiger)など,多くの名称とともにstroma様部分の主微をなすspindle cellのhistogenesisおよびそのmalignantpotentialに関する問題についての議論も多く存在する。われわれは最近,喉頭に原発したspindlecell squamous carcinomaを経験したので,その組織学的な特徴に文献的考察を加え報告する。
Bimorphic pattern, squamous carcinoma and a stroma composed of malignant-appearing spindle cells, is a rare and controversial lesion reported in many organs including the larynx. This report describes spindle cell squamous carcinoma of the larynx in which a surgical procedure was necessary for progressive airway obstruction by recurrent polypoid mass in the tracheal remnant 8 months after laryngectomy.
In this case, a transition from squamous to spindle-shaped cells was observed, and the carcinoma occupied relatively large portion of tumor and it was moderately well differentiated, whereas the sarcoma-like areas were anaplastic. This was not reparative or reactive process, because there was no capillary proliferation in the apparently sarcomatous areas.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.