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clear cell carcinomaは淡明細胞癌あるいは空明細胞癌と呼ばれ,その特徴的な組織像から命名された腫瘍であり,その発生由来については,いくつかの起源が提唱されている。本腫瘍は比較的稀とされており本邦耳鼻咽喉科領域では数例の報告をみるにすぎず,とりわけ舌原発の文献はまだみあたらない。最近われわれは舌尖部に発生した小唾液腺由来と考えられるclear cell carcinomaの1症例を経験したので,その概要を述べるとともに若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する。
A rare case of clear cell carcinoma that primarily developed and localized in the tongue of a 55-year-old female is reported. The patient complained of a swelling of the tongue.
The biopsy taken from this area showed typical clear cell carcinoma. The tumor was surgically removed and no pre- and postoperative irradiation treatment was administered.
The postoperative course was uneventfull, and there is no sign of recurrence 28 months after the operation.
The clear cell carcinoma of this case was considered to originate from the minor salivary glands.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.