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Since the employment of antibiotics in clinical us has made a tremendous stride forward recently, cases of cerebral complications among car diseases have been surprisingly decreased. But on the other hand, because of this use the existing symptoms may be subdued or concealed. We report a case in point of this nature.
The patient, a policeman aged 48, with a historyof diabetes mellitus, complained of a long-standing slight pain and discharge of the right ear. Administration of antibiotics and steroids was continued for a week when the patient no longer made his appearance at the clinic.
Two weeks later the patient was overcome by a loss of consciousness when he was taken to an emergency hospital where the diagnosis of cerebro-spinal involvement was made. Five days later the patient was referred back to us.
The patient was semicomatous with symptoms of acute pneumonia. From our previous experience, the diagnosis of aural-cerebro-spinal meningitis was made. The patient was operated upon; diabetic control was established. and with the use of antibiotics, the patient made a complete recovery within the period of 2 months after the second admission, when he was returned to his old job.
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