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しかるに本疾患は,1956年Biesalski3)が指摘したごとく診断名に統一がなく,重症度,炎症の広がりなどにより多様に診断され,臨床像の理解に支障がみられている。たとえば本症は従来より,仮性クループ,急性声門下喉頭炎,感冒クループ,Laryngitis striduleuse,pyogene Laryngotracheitis,non-specific infectious croup,Laryngo-Tracheo-Bronchitis suffocansなどと診断される3)他,Jackson5)は重症例をacute infective laryngotracheobronchitisと呼び,また本邦で急性喉頭気管気管支炎4)10)11),急性喉頭気管支炎13),悪性喉頭気管気管支炎,小児壊疸性気管気管支炎,その他8)としての報告もみられる。診断名の混乱を避けるためBiesalskiは本症を,好発年齢,炎症の主な存在部位,主症状を考慮しstenosiercnde Laryngo-Tracheitis(im Kindesalter)と総称することを提案し,Beckmann2)がこれに賛同しているが,この名称も今日一般的普及をみていない。
Eleven cases of acute laryngotracheitis, non-diphtheroidal, with severe dyspnea, seen in the recent 17 years, are reported.
This is usually a disease of infancy; 10 cases occurred among infants but one case was found in an adult. The disease usually occurs during the season of colder months of late fall and winter.
Seven cases required tracheotomy for the relief of dyspnea while others were treated by more conservative method of bronchoscopy and removal of the tracheal discharge. One case died.
The treatment consisted of: 1. Administration of antibiotics and cortical hormone in relatively large doses, early in the course of the disease.
2. Maintainance of the breathing space by bronchoscopy and removal of the tracheal discharge.
3. Tracheotomy in extreme cases.
Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.