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巨細胞腫は1818年,Sir Astley CooperとTraversが最初に骨新生物として詳細に報告1)して以来,今日に至つても論議の多い腫瘍である。巨細胞腫は軟骨内化骨を営むすべての骨に発生し,決してめずらしいものではないが,耳鼻咽喉科領域で巨細胞腫をみることはきわめてまれで,側頭骨,上顎骨,下顎骨に発生した例が散見されるのみである2)。喉頭の巨細胞腫は文献上,わが国に1例,欧米に10例がみられるが(第1表),われわれの経験した症例も,病理組織学的所見より喉頭巨細胞腫と呼ぶのが妥当かと思われたのでここに報告する。
A case of giant cell tumor originating in the larynx is reported. A man, aged 53, complaining of increasing hoarseness of voice was found to be affected with a polypoid tumor at the anterior commissure of the larynx viewed under indirect laryngoscopy. The biopsy of the mass revealed a giant cell sarcoma. The patient was treated with total laryngectomy.
Further histological examination of the tumor revealed the nature of growth as a malignant histiocytic neoplasm which is equivalent to being a giant cell tumor. This type of tumor of the larynx is very rare in occurrence, only 11 cases have been found in the literature both, this country and abroad.
The patient at present, one year postoperative, remains well without any sign of local recurrence ; and, he had acquired the art of esophageal speech.

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