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Observations on the development of speech of a mentally retarded girl were continued from her 1 year and 2 months to 7 years and 5 months. Since the developmental processes up to 4 years had previously been reported this paper dealt with those from 4 years on through 7.
One-hour tape recordings were collected by an examiner visiting her home once every month on approximately the same days around her birthday. The recordings were then listened carefully and the utterances both of the child and of the people around her were transcribed word for word. The transcribed data were used for later analyses. Some results were as follows:
The meaningful utterances increased rapidly from 3 years on till 6:0, at which time they reached a plateau. The vocabulary increased gradually up to 5 : 5 and more rapidly afterwards till 6:3, from which time on not much increase was observed.
Though the vocaLulary and meaningful utterances increased greatly, and sentences got longer with better grammatical constructions, communication skills did not develop along with them. In contrast with a great number of spontaneous utterances, responses to what she was talked occurred scarcely until 5:5, and though they slowly increased afterwards they were returned only at 40% of the times of their requirements even at 7:5. Her utterances, though meaningful in the sense that they were constructed by meaningful words, were often irrelevant to the situations. Not a small number of negative utterances were directly followed by affirmative ones on one subject. Preceding ideas and expressions persevarated out of context. Her real intentions of her utterances, if any, were not communicable to the listener at about half of the times even at 7:5.
It was discussed that the speech development of this girl could not be explained by merely slowing down the normal developmental proces-ses.
Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.