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最近特に頭位変化の前庭機能への影響が研究され,盛んに前庭機能検査の一部に取り入れられ眩暈患者の診断に優れた成績をあげた報告がある。私1)はゴニオメーターの一変法として頭位変換によつて行うゴニオメーターPositional Goniometryを考案し臨床面に利用するとともにRomberg検査,Mann検査および歩行検査にそれぞれ頭位変換をして検査を実施し興味ある成績をおさめた。
Vestibular function tests were made with the head in various positions and the relation between these two different factors were studied. As a new vestibular function test goniometry, Romberg's test, Mann's test and walking test which are performed under conditions in which the head is placed in different positions are introduced and discussed. Particularly valuable is goniometry under differing positions of the head for diagnosis of disturbed vestibular function; for testing the degree of that disturbance goniobalancegram was used. There was a marked difference between the goniobalancegrams taken on normal persons and that on diseased individualis who were suffering from labyrinthine diseases which were clearly recognized.

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