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「ニューサンス」とは一口にして云えば,「加害者が被害者に対し直接の物理的襲撃―身体もしくは財産に対する―を加えることがないにせよ被害者の権利行使を妨害し,現実の不便・不快・不利益を与え,損害を加える行為」のことであり,即ち「それ自身合法的行為であつても,その結果が他人の権利にたいする侵害となる行為」のことなのである。「ニューサンス」のうち,特に社会一般に対して危害を及ぼす可能性のあるものを「公的ニューサンス」(Public Nuisance)と称し,被害者の対象が限定されているときは,「私的ニユーサンス」(Private Nuisaenc)と呼ばれている。
Sakata has dealed with noise and its public as well as private nuisances, chiefly basing on his experiences in (1) the measurement of the degree of injuries which were caused by noises originating from overhead cableways and given the inhabitanis in the neigbaurhood of their passages, and (2) judgement as well as determination of the necessities of the indemnities for these injuries, thereby enabling him to obtain the conclusion that every otologist should pay a positive attention to the injury of noise and its entity as well as the problem of indemnity for these injuries.
Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.