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SAI SAYS that, from a point of view of neurosis a preliminary report has been made as statistical observations on 95 patients who suffered complaints of nasal troubles but, the question of neurosis is difficult to understand if study is based on statistics alone. Therefore, in order to clarify some points under discussion three typical cases are presented here as follows: (1) Pure neurosis; (2) Slight nasal pathology accompanied by marked neurotic symptoms; (3) Marked nasal symptoms which are accompa-nied by that of neurosis.
in the first case the symptoms were chara-cterized by generalized bodily fatigue, fullness of the head, diffculty of mental concentration as well as memory retention. The patient approbated his nasal troubles for the presence of these symptoms but other signs were found which pointed to a state of hysteria and unsoc-iableness in his personality. A history of at-tempted railroad siucide on three different occasions from utter desolation was also elicited.
In the second case the patient suffered under melancholia which resulted from a phobia that he should be afflicted with patanasal sinusitis. He was also laboring under a forced inoccupancy by failing in school entrance test which in turn was the result of his melancholic state.
The third case is found with a history of melancholic attacks during the patient's adole-scent years. He was affected with a long stan-ding nasal disease which was treated repeatedly with surgical interventions. As a result the nasal symptoms showed improvement for a time but only to become worsened again alterpatin-gly. It was shown that these symptoms were manifested effects of autosuggestions. Straining under such symptoms the batient decided to quit his bussiness and to become an employee in a manufacturing firm. Later he, even, divorced his wife to seek relief from his sufferings, but, no imporovement was realized by these changes.
The etiology of complaints of above three cases will not be found in any physiogical derange-ment of perticular organ or organs but, mentally, the individual is unable to a just himself to the environment which is about him. Not kno-wing the true nature of the disease patients suffering under similar conditions have e tende-ncy to seek relief by means of which are inadve-rtently misdirected and through which their original symptoms are, even, aggravated.

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