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眼及び鼻は隣接器官として互に密接なる関係を有する事は從來より色々の点から証明されているが,その1例として未だ本邦文献に見ないシヤルラン(Carlos Charlin)氏症候群(鼻神経炎)の3例を得たので報告する.
Koide reports three cases of neuritis of nasal nerve, a manifested Charlin's syndrome which was originally described, in 1930, by Carlos Charlin. The present being the first report of. this disease in this country. The first case: A girl, 16 years of age, whose symptoms consisted chiefly of orbital pains and conjunctival injec-tions, suffered from acute ethmoiditis as well as infectious involvement of other nasal sinuses. The disease is cured by simple application of cocaine solution to the nasal mucous membrane. The second cases : A girl, 22 years of age, who complained of persistent orbital pains, whose conditions revealed a presence of marked devia-tion of nasal septum. The patient recovered after operative resection had been performed on the septum. The third case : A girl, 19 years of age, whose symptoms consisting of acute orbital pains with iritis, was affected with hypertrophic and turgescent state of nasal mucous membranes. The patient recovered after a few applications of cocaine solutions had been given to the nasal mucous membranes. Among the symptoms complained by the patients, it is int-eresting to note that, inspiration of cold air se-emed to have given to onset of severe nasalpain.
Triads of symptoms in this disease are those which pertain to the eyes, nose and manifesta-tion of neuritis.

Copyright © 1950, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.