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Goto and Yamane in their clinical lecture pre-sent 2 cases of stricture of esophagus. The first case: A male child, 6 years of age who compl-ains of difficult deglutition, the onset of which began at the age 1 year and 5 montns when the patient accidently swallowed some caustic soda solution. Under esophaguscopy cicatricial con-strictions of the lumen of esophagus are first encountered at a distance of 20 cm. from upper incisor teeth and beyond a 9 mm esophaguscope could not be admitted. The patient is being treated by bougie dilatation of the lumen. The second case: A man 50 years of age with stri-cture of esophagus. Biopsy specimen obtained by esophaguscopy from the constricted area which was about 27 cm. below the margin of upper incisor teeth proves to be an epithelioma. The patient in this case is being treated with radium insertions.

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