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本邦に於ては肥留川及び佐藤がヂフテリー菌による扁桃腺周囲膿瘍の1例を報告,Reicheはヂフテリー8,000例に対し扁桃腺周囲膿瘍僅かに1例の割合,Jochmannも極めて稀であるとしたが,1915年A. V. KnackはRumpel教授の下に"Tonsillar abscess bei Diphtherie"と題し500例のヂフテリー中扁桃腺周囲膿瘍を合併したる8例に就き稍々詳しく記載している.米國では1930年にGordon及びYoungが"The hazard of incision for apperent guinsy in diphtherie"に於てヂフテリーに伴える扁桃腺周囲膿瘍を確認したものは3,260例中只1例のみであつたと記載して居る.その後Neffson及びBremは"Diphtheria simulating peritonsillar Abscess" Youngmannはperitonsillar edem indiphtheridに於て扁桃腺周囲膿瘍に注意しているが,何れもヂフテリーの初期を扁桃腺周囲膿瘍と誤診し,重大なる結果を招く切開の危險を強調したものであつてヂフテリーと扁桃腺周囲膿瘍との合併せる症例については詳しい報告を行つて居らない.ヂフテリーに伴える扁桃腺周囲炎の場合は浮腫状腫脹を認むるのみで穿刺によつて膿汁を証明し得ないのが通常であるが,著者は最近当教室に於てヂフテリーに続発せる扁桃腺周囲膿瘍の2例に遭遇したので茲にこれを報告したいと思う.
Kamioka agrees, by reporting 2 cases of pharyngeal diphtheria complicated with peritonsillar abcess, that the affection is tendcncy of young persons in accordance with other reports in the literature.f Both of his patients were young; 23 years old man and 25 years old woman. Bacterial examinations were made from throat swab cultures. Contents of the abcess revealed growths of hemolytic streptococcus, staphylococcus and diplococcus, but no diphtheria bacillus was seen. With these findings the abcess was obviously the result of mixed infection. Peritonsillar abcess in these two cases developed about one week after the onset of diphtheria and the progonis of the former is generally good as long as the actual state of condition is clear to the examiner. The danger lies in erroneons diagnosis by failure in recognizing the presence of diphtheria which wlll invariably lead to serious results.

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