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A case of malakoplakia of the urinary blad-der found in a 53 year-old female has beenreported. It was discovered on routine follow-up examination 8 months after curative radia-tion therapy for carcinoma of the uterine cer-vix, stage IV. Cystoscopically and histopatho-logically the lesion is consistent with the classical description of this disease. The stu-dies have confirmed that this is a chronic histiocytic granulomatous inflammation, cha-racterized by the presence of Michaelis-Gut-mann bodies, which are composed of aggre-gates of fine needle-like crystals by an ele-ctron microscopic study.Not only the bodies, there are granules of various size and ele-ctron density in the cytoplasm of those hi-stiocytic cells. With the findings described, an attempt has been made to explain its pathogenesis and mechanism of how the bo-dies have formed.

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