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側頭葉内側部は,脳梗塞,一酸化炭素中毒,無酸素症,心肺停止後等の脳虚血6,7,8,18,22,25,27),脳出血,くも膜下出血,巨大動脈瘤,cavernousangioma, venous angioma, arteriovenous malfor-mation(AVM)等の血管障害6,7,8,18,22,27),脳挫傷等の外傷性疾患,glioma, neuroblastoma, malig-nant lymphoma, dysembryoplastic neuroectoder-mal tumor, dermoid or epidermoid cyst, hamarto-ma等の腫瘍性病変,単純ヘルペス脳炎,abscess,meningitis, cysticercosis, toxoplasmosis等の感染性疾患6,7,8,18,22,23,27),cortical dysplasia, arrhinencephalia, holoprosen-cephaly等の発生障害,側頭葉てんかん,radia-tion necrosis,脳ヘルニア,アセチルサリチル酸による中毒などさまざまな疾患6,7,8,18,22,27)で障害される.
The memory disturbance caused by medial temporal lesion is reported concerning 6 cases of cerebralhemorrhage, infarction, brain tumor, and contusion. The memory disturbance was significant comparedwith the patient's intact orientation and normal intelligence. In the category of memory, recent memorywas more markedly disturbed than the immediate or remote memory. From the viewpoint of the lesion, thememory disturbance was more severe when, in addition to the hippocampus, the entorhinal gyrus or amyg-dala was damaged.
The visual memory disturbance was mild and no difference was observed in the verbal or visual memoryaccording to whether the lesion was right or left. The memory disturbance was usually transient andmarked improvement was observed in some cases.
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