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治療方法は,これまで放射線療法を中心として行われてきたが,短期間で再発することが多く,長期生存は望めないことから,放射線療法に加えて各種化学療法が試みられている.中枢神経以外の非Hodgkinリンパ腫に対する化学療法の治療成績の向上は著しく,強力な多剤併用療法によって長期生存が期待できるようになっている.一方,中枢神経系原発悪性リンパ腫に対する化学療法は,その効果についてはいまだ議論の多いところであり,CHOP療法やHigh Dose Methotre-xate療法などをそれぞれの施設ごとに試みているのが現状である.また,初期治療によって完全寛解を得ても,再発,disseminationを繰り返し,治療に抵抗性を示すため,満足な成績は得られていない.
Six cases with recurrent or refractory primary central nervous system lymphoma were treated with a new chemotherapeutic regimen “DeVIC (dexamethasone, VP16, ifosfamide, carboplatin)”.
Five recurrent cases had a remission period for an average of 18 months after initial treatment, but re-lapse occurred. One refractory case had no response after initial treatment. Then these 6 cases were treated with 1-3 courses of DeVIC chemotherapy at intervals of 4 weeks.
Two cases achieved complete remission, and 3 cases attained partial remission (response rate was 83%). One case showed no response after 1 course of DeVIC chemotherapy. However, in all cases re-relapse occurred 1-5 months after remission, and only 1 case is still alive. DeVIC chemotherapy produced a high response rate for recurrent central nervous system lymphoma, but re-relapse occurred after only a few months. The establishment of maintenance chemotherapy is re-quired.

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