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Shaving of the whole scalp is ordinarily performed prior to neurosurgical operation. Although it is per-formed in order to prevent postoperative intracranial infection, there has been no apparent basis for thispractice published in previous reports. We examined whether shaving the whole scalp reduced the rate ofpostoperative infection or not. We divided 274 cases, who received their first intracranial operation in thelast 2 years, into two groups; a whole shaving group and a partial shaving group. We compared the rateof postoperative intracranial infection between the two groups according to age, diagnosis, operation, op-eration time and placement of drainage.
Overall, 12 cases out of 274 (4.38%) had postoperative intracranial infection. The long operation timeand the long term placement of drainage mechanism increased the postoperative intracranial infection rate.There was no postoperative intracranial infection in 74 patients who received burr-hole/twist-drill Opera-tion. As for craniotomy/craniectomy operations, 7 cases out of 83 (8.4%) in the partial scalp-shaving groupwhole scalp shriving group and 5 cases out of 117 (4.2%) had postoperative intracranial infections. Thus,there was no significant difference in the rate of postoperative intracranial infection between the twogroups, if anything, the whole scalp shaving group tended to show a higher rate.
According to these results, partial scalp shaving did not increase the rate of postoperative intracranialinfection. Considering that patients who have lost their hair find it embarrassing to return to society, it iswell to know that the whole scalp shaving is not absolutely necessary for all first craniotomy.

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