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近年,血管内治療として頸部内頸動脈狭窄性病変に経皮的血管形成術(percutaneous transluminalangioplasty:PTA)が行われつつあるが,PTAだけでは十分な拡張が得られなかったり,PTA時の塞栓症,再狭窄等の問題がある8,9,11,13,18,21,23).また頸部頸動脈狭窄性病変に対しては頸動脈血栓内膜剥離術(carotid endarterectomy:CEA)が有用性を認められた治療法として存在している4,5,16).こうした中,血管内治療においては,冠血管の狭窄性病変におけるステント併用PTAの有用性が認められ6),頸部内頸動脈狭窄性病変に対してもステント併用PTAの報告がなされている3,17,22).
We reported the preliminary results of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) supported with aself-expanding stent (Wallstent®) for the cervical internal carotid artery (IC) stenosis in 6 patients (7lesions).
All were male aged from 60 to 79 (mean 70.8). Three patients were symptomatic and 3 were asymp-tomatic. The procedure was attempted in patients with severe IC stenosis according to criteria of NAS-CET, ECST or ACAS studies and with high risk if carotid endarterectomy (CEA) were performed.
In all cases, vascular access was from the femoral artery and angioplasty was performed without cere-bral protection.
Successful angioplasty was obtained in all cases with no mortality. Stenosis was improved from 82.7%(74-90%) to 17.4% (10-33%). Perioperative complications were seen in only one case with TIA duringthe postdilatation period, which was supposed to be clue to a distal embolism.
The preliminary results of PTA supported with self-expanding stent for severe IC stenosis were excel-lent. These results suggested that some patients with severe IC stenosis can be treated safely and effective-ly by stent-supported PTA. However, it is necessary to mark the indications clear and strict, and to followup these lesions after the procedure, because of the possibility of perioperative ischemic complications andrestenosis.

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