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We studied the etiology of subcortical hemorrhage in 55 patients (30 males, 25 females), aged 19-83years (mean 60 years). CT scan was made in all patients on admission, with the use of intravenous infu-sion of contrast agent in 35 patients. Cerebral angiography was performed in 37 patients and MRI was per-formed in 22 patients. Forty-one patients underwent surgery and the other fourteen patients were treatedconservatively. The cause of bleeding had been discovered before surgery in 12 cases; 10 arteriovenousmalformations and 2 brain tumors. They were discovered by meticulous neuroradiological investigations in-cluding cerebral angiography, MRI, dynamic MRI, MRA and enhancing CT. The cause of bleeding wasnewly discovered after surgery in 7 cases; all of amyloid angiopathy. It remained unknown in the other 22surgical cases although hypertensive angiopathy was suspected in eleven of them. Among the 14 patientswho received conservative therapy, hemorrhagic diathesis including the use of Warfarin and DIC was thecause of bleeding in four cases and the etiology remained unknown in other ten, although hypertensiveangiopathy was suspected in eight of them. The 32 patients in whom the etiology remained unknown hadbeen observed as long as 12-120 months (mean, 40 months) and although bleeding has occurred at differ-ent locations in two of these patients, there has been no recurrence of bleeding at the same location in anyof them. In conclusion, surgery is not indicated to determine the etiology of subcortical hemorrhage whenmeticulous neuroradiological investigations fail to disclose any vascular or tumorous lesions.

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