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脳室腹腔短絡術(以下V-P shunt)の腹腔側合併症として,shunt tubeの閉塞・屈曲・離脱,腹腔内嚢胞形成,腹水貯留,腸閉塞,臓器穿通等の報告がある.腸管穿通はこれまでに50余例が報告されており,その多くはshunt tubeを介した上行感染による髄膜炎,腸管穿通による腹部症状,短絡管閉塞による頭蓋内圧亢進症状で発症するとされる1-16).
今回われわれは,V-P shuntを施行して3年後に腹側チューブによるS字結腸穿通を来たし,気脳症で発症した稀な1例を経験したので報告する.本症例では繰り返し施行した腹部単純写において,発症6カ月前より腹側シャントチューブ先端が固定しているのが確認されており,腸管穿通の機序を考える上で,また補助診断として有用と考えられたので若干の考察を加える.
A 47-year-old male presented with headache 3 years after V-P shunt procedure. Initial CT revealedpneumocephalus, and a shunt tube migration into the sigmoid colon was detected by contrast medium in-jection into the shunt tube. The patient's condition was complicated with bacterial meningitis, and the in-fected shunt tube was removed. After chemotherapy, the V-P shunt was reinstalled. This is the first caseshowing pneumocephalus occurring as an initial symptom of bowel perforation by a V-P shunt tube. Inthis case, the abdominal tip of the shunt tube had been anchored at the same place for 6 months beforebowel perforation. This finding may support the hypothesis that fibrous encasement of a shunt tube maytrigger abdominal complications, as previously suggested.

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