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筆者らは痙性斜頸の外科的治療のひとつとして,異常収縮をおこしている筋肉への運動神経を末梢で選択的に遮断する選択的末梢神経遮断術(Selective Peripheral Denervation,SPD)2-4)を行っている20,21).今回その効果を定量的な方法で評価した結果を報告するとともに,文献的にもこの手術が効果や副作用,効果の持続性などの点で優れた方法であり,たとえボツリヌス毒素が一般的に入手可能となっても,今後さらに普及すべき外科的治療法であることを強調したい.
The authors evaluated the results of selective peripheral denervation (SPD) of posterior rami of the cervical spinal nerves and/or the accessory nerve for spasmodic torticollis. Five patients underwent seven op-erations in total and the results were evaluated with the modified Tsui's score which was used in the clinical trial of botulinum toxin (BTX) for torticollis in Japan. The preoperative score was 10.8±2.2 (mean±S.D.) and the postoperative score was 1.4±1.7. The score changes indicated the effects of the operation as “excel-lent” in four cases and “good” in one case. These re-sults indicate that SPD is superior to BTX in terms of control of symptoms in spasmodic torticollis. After the initial operation, however, two patients showed the so-called “mole-hitting game phenomenon” in which nor-mal muscles develop abnormal contraction after de-nervation of abnormal muscles. This forced us to per-form the second operations. Although this phenomenon was first described in botulinum toxin treatment, this is probably the first report in surgically denervated cases.

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