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Tumor necrosis factor(TNF)は,主にmacrophageより産生され多面的な生理活性を有するbiological re—sponse modifierであるが,Carswellの報告以来,抗腫瘍剤として注目されている4).われわれは現在,臨床において悪性グリオーマ症例に対しTNF—αの頸動注療法を行っており有効例を報告しているが24,26),投与時期,量の設定については未だ確定的な結論を得るに至っていない.今回,より有効なTNF—α投与法を検討するため,ラット移植脳腫瘍モデルを使った基礎的実験を行い,腫瘍を動物実験用MRIにより経時的に観察するとともに,組織学的検索を行ったので文献的考察を含めて報告する.
Recombinant human TNF-α was administrated intra-arterially to rats with transplanted intracerebral glioma. 1×106 of T9 rat glioma cells were transplanted into Fisher 344 rat brain stereotaxically and 1000units of TNF-α was administrated at a rate of 100μl/min. via an internal carotid artery 1 or 3 weeks after the trans-plantation. The effects of TNF-α were evaluated by MRI and histopathological examinations.
Neurological symptoms, i. e. hemiparesis, appeared af-ter 9.0±0.63 days and all rats died of tumor overload-ing 14.5±0.84 days after the transplantation. Single in-jection of TNF-α on 7th day after the transplantation induced regression of the tumor size in one of six rats. The tumors were detected 3 days after transplanta-tion by MRI and they were revealed as low/iso intensi-ty mass in T1WI, iso/high intensity in T2WI, and were enhanced by Gd-DTPA heterogenously. On 7/14 days after the transplantation, the tumor grew approximately 7/10mm in diameter. The single 1000 units of TNF-α were administrated via an internal carotid artery. 3 days after the administration of TNF-α, regression of the tumor size was seen in one of six rats and decrease of peritumoral edema was seen in three. These effects of TNF-α were, however, transient and they were not demonstrated on day 7. Single injection of TNF-α was not effective for large tumors more than 10mm in dia-meter seen 14 days after the transplantation.
These data suggest that intra-arterial TNF-α should be administrated at an early stage of the tumor growth and several injections are needed to cause regression in the size of the gliomas.

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