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一方,抗腫瘍薬として広く知られているadriamycin(以下ADM)はDNA依存性のRNA合成を阻害するため,これを神経線維に注人すると薬剤がretrograde ax—oplasmic transportにより神経核に取り込まれ,その神経細胞をdegenerationに陥らせることが実験的に証明されている2,9).そこでわれわれは,帯状ヘルペス後神経痛や眼瞼けいれんなどの疾患に対する治療を目的として,このADMによる神経細胞変性作用を臨床的に応用した神経ブロック療法(chemical rhizotomy)を施行したので,その結果と用性について報告する.
Adriamycin, an anthracycline antineoplastic agent, can swiftly be transported to the sensory or somatic motor neurons by way of axoplasmic transport when injected into the subepineurium of the trigeminal nerveor sciatic nerve in experimental animals, and is conse-quently able to induce degeneration of the neurons without any systemic side effects.
Intraneural injection of this agent was carried out for the treatment of a total of 22 patients presenting with intractable neural dysfunction (12 with neuralgia, in-cluding 7 with post-herpetic neuralgia and 10 with fa-cial clystonia). The nerve which innervated the affected site was exposed under local anesthesia and approximately 10-60μl of 1-20% adriamycin was in-jected into the subepineurium.
Results of the treatment after average follow-up periods of 21.5 months were as follows : Out of 12 pa-tients with neuralgia, good results were obtained in 2 cases (16.7%), fair results in 6 cases (50.0%) (overall effective rate 67.7%). There were no changes in symp-toms in 4 cases (33.3%). Out of 10 patients with facialdystonia, good results were obtained in 2 cases (20.0%), fair in 2 cases (20.0%) (overall effective rate 40.0%), and no changes in symptoms in 6 cases (60.0%). No major complications were encountered during these procedures and, once symptoms had dis-appeared after the treatment, no recurrence of symp-toms was experienced. This method clearly differs from other various kinds of simple peripheral neurotomy, since transection of the peripheral nerve does not cause any destructive changes in the sensory ganglion or motor nucleus and, hence, symptoms may recur.
It is concluded that this method of chemical rhizo-tomy using adriamycin is effective and safe for intract-able neural dysfunction, such as post-herpetic neuralgia and blepharospasm.

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