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頭部外傷に起因する硬膜外血腫は,急性の経過をとるものが大部分であるが,なかには出血量が小量であるため無症状に経過して,その後石灰化あるいは骨化するものがあることが知られている2,5,7,15,16).今回われわれは手術を要しない程度の小量の硬膜外血腫例で,経過中に骨化を示し,mass effectが消失しなかった小児の2症例を経験し,治療方針に関して若干の知見を得たので報告する.
Two cases of ossified epidural hematomas were re-ported. Patients were nine and twelve year-old boys. In-itially they were both followed up conservatively after injuries. Subsequently they were found on CT scan to have calcifications in the capsules of epidural hematomas which were found four months after injury in one case and twelve days after injury in the other. Both under-went craniotomy and histological ossification was found in the capsules of the hematomas.
Epidural hematomas in children are known to ossify, and this condition may prevent natural absorption of epidural hematomas. Therefore, careful follow up of hematomas seems to be mandatory on conservative ther-apy of epidural hematomas in children.

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