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Neuroepithelial cystは発生場所により,colloidcyst, epithelial cyst, ependymal cyst, chroidal epen—dymal cystと異なった名称で呼ばれている.symptoma—tic intracranial neuroepithelial cystは稀であり,第III脳室に発生した場合の髄液路の閉塞による頭蓋内圧亢進症状が最も多く認められる.他の症状としては,脳槽内に発生した場合,脳神経の圧迫症状を呈することがある.今回われわれは慢性硬膜血腫で発症したmiddlefossa neuroepithelial cystを経験したので,文献的考察を加え報告する.
We reported a rare case of middle fossa neuroepithe-lial cyst accompanied by chronic subdural hematoma. An eight-year-old boy was admitted to our hospital due to headache, disturbed consciousness and right hemi-paresis. CT disclosed a left marginal high density in the left subdural space and remarkable midline shift. MRI showed a hematoma in the left to temporal tip extend-ing to the chronic subdural hematoma. Radiological ex-aminations revealed a cystic lesion with chronic subdu-ral hematoma. An operation was performed to remove the hematoma. Intraoperatively, the hematoma in the cyst and the chronic subdural hematoma were observed. Histopathological diagnosis of the cyst wall was neuro-epithelial cyst. The relationship between the neuroepi-thelial cyst and chronic subdural hematoma was dis-cussed.

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