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大腸polyposisと脳腫瘍を合併する疾患は1959年Turcotら14)により報告されて以来,Turcot症候群またはGlioma-polyposis症候群2)として知られている.本邦では今まで10例5-9,13,14)が報告されているのみで,稀な疾患と考えられる.われわれは18歳時に大腸の多発性carcinoma and polyposisで発症し,その1年後に脳腫瘍を併発した1症例を経験したので,症例を提示し,多少の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
We reported a case of Turcot Syndrome (glioma poly-posis) in a 19-year-old woman with nonfamilial polyposis cob and adenocarcinoma of the colon, and grade 3 astrocytoma in the right parietal lobe. The patient was admitted with the complaint of general convulsion after colostomy for polyposis and adenocarcinoma of the col-on. CT scans on admission showed a large parietal tumor in the right side. Total removal was performed successful-ly and histological examination showed astrocytoma grade 3. One year after the operation, the tumor recur-red. Conservative treatment failed to improve her condi-tion and she died one year later.
Turcot Syndrome (glioma polyposis) is very rare and only 10 cases have been reported in Japan. In this report, the clinical characteristics of this syndrome were discus-sed. (Received: December 14, 1988, Accepted: Octo-ber 10, 1992)

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