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急性硬膜下血腫の自然経過は多彩であり,神経学的所見や頭部CT scanの所見からだけでは,予後を明確に予測することは困難である.
今回われわれは,受傷直後に見られたmass effectを有する急性硬膜下血腫が,神経症状の急激な改善と共にCT scan上数時間以内に消失した症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加えその臨床的意義について検討する.
We reported two cases of rapid resolution of acute subdural hematoma. Case 1, a 21-year-old female, sus-tained head trauma and became unconscious for about 15 min. Probably she was suffering from posttraumatic amnesia for about 1 day. On admission J.C.S and G.C.S were 20 and 9 (2 + 2 + 5) points, respectively. Neurolo-gical examination showed no abnormalities. An initial computed tomography (CT) scan taken 2 hours after the injury showed a high dense subdural hematoma on the left cerebral hemisphere and hemispheric swelling.She was conservatively treated. A follow up CT scan taken 8 hours after the injury disclosed rapid disappear-ance of the hematoma and cerebral swelling. Case 2a 23-year-old male, sustained head trauma and became unconscious for about 30 min. On admission J.C.S and G.C.S were 1 and 14 (4+4+6) points, respectively, and slight right hemiparesis was noted. An initial CT scan taken 2 hours after the injury showed subdural hemato-ma of the left cerebral hemisphere and hemispheric swelling. He was conservatively treated. A follow up CT scan taken 24 hours after the injury revealed almost complete disappearance of the subdural hemato-ma and cerebral swelling. It was suggested that the rapid resolution of acute subdural hematoma was attri-butable to redistribution due to decreace of ICP, and washing out by cerebrospinal fluid.

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