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胎生初期に原始的骨格軸をなす脊索は胎生5週頃よりその周囲を中胚葉組織に囲まれ,この中胚葉組織が軟骨を経て骨化され椎体,仙尾骨,頭蓋底を形成する.脊索の遺残は椎問板髄核として普通に見られるが時に頭蓋底,仙尾骨部などに遺残し8),このうち斜台部の脊索の遺残はecchondrosis physaliphora sphenoocciloitalisと呼ばれ,剖検では約2.0%の頻度で認められ4),斜台部脊索腫はこれより発生するとされている.
Skull base chordoma in infants is a very rare entity in spite of its congenital origin ; only 11 clinical cases can be found in the literature so far. Here we report such a case and review the literature.
The case is that of a 3.5-year old boy suffering from left abducent nerve palsy for 5 months. CT scan re-vealed an isodense mass lesion with bone destruction involving the clivus and left petrous apex, and was homogeneously enhanced on post-contrast study. MRI disclosed the clival tumor as a long T1 and long T2 mass. Angiogram showed no tumor stain. The tumor was preoperatively diagnosed as clival chordoma, and was partially removed via left transpetrosal-transtentorial approach. The tumor was found to ex-tend into the subdural space through Dorrello's canal and compress the abducent nerve. Histological ex-amination with H & E, PAS, mucicarmine, and reticulin stainings led us to a diagnosis of “typical chordoma”. Electron microscopy demonstrated the mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum complexes (MERC) , glycogen granules, and vacuoles in the tumor cells. Postoperative irradiation (total dose 55 Gy) was performed. At pre-sent, 30 months after the operation, no evidence of tumor regrowth nor hypothalamus-pituitary deficiency is recognizable and the patient is free from left abdu-cent nerve palsy.
It is concluded that skull base chordoma in infants should be postoperatively irradiated in an appropriate manner.
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