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We report a rare case of germinoma with granuloma-tous reaction arising from the corona radiata.
This 20-year-old man was admitted to our hospital complaining of progressive motor weakness on the right side. CT demonstrated a poorly demarcated high density area in the left corona radiata, which was heter-ogeneously enhanced after administration of contrast medium.
Moreover, the continuity of the mass to the ventricu-lar wall was confirmed on MRI. At the first operation, subtotal removal of the tumor was performed through a fronto-parietal craniotomy. .The diagnosis for the speci-fic neoplasm was not established histologically, but gra-nuloma caused by fungal infection was the most likely cause of the lesion. We tried amphotericin B (AmB) and remission of the tumor was obtained. However, during the following 3 months, the size of the tumor gradually enlarged again. AmB was repeatedly adminis-tered, but this time the treatment was ineffective. Six months later, on May 21,1990, the second operation was performed and histological examination revealed typical germinoma consisting of two-cell pattern. Subse-quently, the patient underwent focal irradiation of 33 Gy to the tumor site, and the tumor completely dis-appeared.
As intracranial germinomas are observed to be suc-cessfully cured by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, choice of the therapeutic management must be careful-ly determined according to the histological diagnosis, especially in young people. A variety of locations of germinomas and the accompanying granulomatous reactions could create some diagnostic confusion, so great care must he taken in the treatment of much in-tracranial germinomas

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