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We encountered 8 cases of acute subdural hematoma caused by mild head trauma in the aged. In this report, these cases were analyzed, taking into consideration clin-ical symptoms, CT scan, operative findings and out-come. The age ranged from 70 to 92 years (mean age of 79.7 years). 4 patients were male and 4 female. Head trauma was caused by falls in 4 patients, but in the other 4 patients the causes were unknown. Initial symp-toms were headache, nausea and vomiting in 5 patients and mild disturbance of consciousness with lucid inter-vals in 3 patients. Seven patients had more than 100 on JCS and less than 9 on GCS on admission. Small cra-niotomy (HITT) was performed in 4 patients. Large craniotomy was performed in 2 patients, and decom-pressive craniectomy was carried out in 2 patients. The bleeding focus came from the cortical artery of the mid-dle cerebral artery in 4 patients, cerebral contusion in 2 patients, and was unknown in 2 patients for HITT. CT scan on admission showed mixed density area of acute subdural hematoma in all of the patients, and in-traventricular hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage in 3 patients. CT scan after operation revealed a new area of cerebral contu-sion in 3 patients, delayed traumatic intracerebral hematoma (DTICH) in 2 patients, and hypertensive in-tracerebral hemorrhage in 1 patient. Two patients reco-vered to good and fair- without general complication. But the outcome in 5 patients with general complication was poor for 3 patients and fatal for 2 patients. In con-clusion, large craniotomy is recommended because of bleeding from the cortical artery of the middle cerebral artery. To ensure a good outcome, diagnosis of acute subdural hematoma should he made at an early stage before the patients condition deteriorates.
Copyright © 1992, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.