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Two cases of TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma were reported. Endocrinological and immunohistochemical features of these cases were described and problems in diagnosis and treatment of the rare disease are dis-cussed.
<case 1> A 28 year-old woman suffered from hyper-thyroidism with a relatively high value of serum TSH (T3 ; 350ng/dl, T4 ; 10.0 μg/dl/, TSH ; 24.5 μU/ml) . She was treated with antithyroid drug and then under-went subtotal thyroidectomy.
Although the levels of serum T3 and T4 were lowered to within normal range, the level of serum TSH still remained high. One month later, she developed frontal headache, amenorrhea and bitemporal hemianopsia. A CT scan showed an en-hanced mass in the sellar and suprasellar region. Preop-erative endocrinological studies showed elevated values of TSH (47 μU/ml) and its α -subunit (9.0ng/ml). The levels of both T3 (19Ong/dl) and T4 (10.0 μg/dl) were near the upper normal limit. Serum TSH was suppres-sed by administration of exogenous T3, but did not re-spond to exogenous TRH, l-Dopa nor bromocriptine. Under the diagnosis of TSH-secreting pituitary adeno-ma, the patient was operated on by craniotomy and re-ceived local radiation therapy (50Gy). In 1990, 12 years after the treatment, she is well and endocrinologically normal. Immunohistochemical study revealed that most tumor cells were positive for TSH.
<case 2> A 28 year-old woman visited our hospital for examination of hyperthyroidism. Serum level of TSH was detectable (4.5 μU/ml) . A CT scan per-formed at that time disclosed no pituitary tumor. Thy-roid function was normalized by antithyroid drug, but the level of TSH was still high and progressively in-creased. One year later, a CT scan revealed an intrasel-lar tumor which was enhanced by contrast medium. Preoperative endocrinological studies showed a high value of both serum TSH (117.9 μU/ml) and its α-subunit (14.0ng/ml). Serum T3 (105ng/dl) and T4 (6.7 p g/dl) were within normal ranges. Serum TSH was increased by exogenous TRH. Both T3 and somatosta-tin suppressed the elevated level of TSH, while gluco-corticoid, l-Dopa and bromocriptine did not affect serum TSH. Under the diagnosis of TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma, transsphenoidal selective ade-nomectomy was performed. On the day following the surgery, the values of serum TSH, T3 and T4 were re-markably lowered (TSH ; 1.9 μU/m/, T3; 42ng/dl, T4 ; 3.9 μg/ dl) Immunohistochemical study demon-strated that most tumor cells were positive for β-subunit of TSH.
These two presented cases of TSH-secreting pituit-ary adenomas are unique in that The secretion of TSH by these adenomas was suppressed by administration of exogenous T3 and that relatively rapid growth of the adenomas might be induced by normalization of serum T3 and T4.
In order to disclose a microaclenoma, repeated ex-aminations of the sellar region by CT and/or MRI are essential in patients with hyperthyroidism combined with detectable levels of serum TSH, particularly in the follow-up period after treatment for hyperthyroidism.

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