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脈絡叢腫瘍(choroid plexus tumor, CPT)は頭蓋内腫瘍の中では0.5%前後を占める比較的まれな腫瘍であるが,小児原発性頭蓋内腫瘍の2ないし6%10,12,14,18,19),さらに乳児原発性頭蓋内腫瘍に限ればその20%を占め2),astrocytoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumor(PNET),teratomaと並ぶ乳児期の代表的腫瘍である.乳児期の脳腫瘍はその好発部位,臨床症状,治療方法,治療成績等,種々の面で特殊性を持っており,他の年代とは別個に議論されるべき点が多々ある.CPTもその例外ではない.今回,われわれはCTおよび顕微鏡下手術導入以後治療されたCPT乳児例を対象に,その疫学,治療,臨床上の問題点等を検討し,いくつかの知見を得たので報告する.
Twelve infants with choroid plexus tumors were reviewed retrospectively. Enlarging head circumference, bulging fontanelle, and vomiting were the major symptoms and signs appearing 2 to 5 weeks (mean = 3.7 weeks) before diagnosis. The average age at diagnosis was 7.7 months. Total removal was performed in 11 patients with choroid plexus papilloma, and partial removal was achieved in 1 patient with a choroid plexus carcinoma. A cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversionary shunt was placed temporarily in 6 infants and permanently in 4. Of the two patients not requiring CSF diversionary shunt, 1 needed a subdural-peritoneal shunt postoperatively. Histologically, 11 of 12 tumors were choroid plexus papillomas, and one was a choroid plexus carcinoma. All 12 patients were followed up for 4 months to 11 years (mean=5.6 years) . Eleven of 12 patients were alive at the time of their last check-up. All 11 survivors had normal psychomotor and neurological development. The treatment and outcome of choroid plexus tumors and management of associated hydrocephalus are discussed.

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