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脈絡乳頭腫(choroid plexus papilloma)は,原発性頭蓋内腫瘍の1%以下といわれ3,10),特に脳室外に発生した乳頭腫は,非常に稀である.著者らは,最近右小脳橋角部に発生した1症例を経験したので,腫瘍の電顕像とともに,若干の文献的検討を加え報告する.
A rare case of the choroid plexus papilloma originating from the extraventricle was reported. A 48-year-old woman began not to walk well about two years ago. Then, she was complained of vertigo, hearing disturbance of the right ear and nausea. These symptoms gradually increased. On admission she had papilledema, Brun's nystagmus, hearing disturbance of right ear and cerebellar ataxia. Cerebral angiogram and CT scan showed dilated ventricles and a large tumor in the posterior fossa. At operation, tumor was found in extramedullary space at the right cerebello-pontine angle and extended to the foramen magnum. This was removed totally.
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