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慢性硬膜下血腫の術後再発例や治癒遷延例が臨床上しばしば経験される.これに対してわれわれは穿頭血腫除去後にOmmaya reservoirを設置し,術後に血腫腔内貯留液の積極的な排除を行ってきた.しかし依然として再発例や治癒遷延例が認められる.今回これら再発及び治癒遷延の要因を検討したので報告する.
We treated 57 cases of chronic subdural hematoma by aspiration via the Ommaya reservoir following burr hole opening and irrigation of the hematoma in order to reduce the reaccumulation and persistence of the hematoma. An Ommaya reservoir was placed on the following patients: (1) the volume of hemtoma was more than 100ml and/or (2) expansion of the brain after evacuation of the hematoma was poor. However in spite of these techniques there were 6 cases (10.5%) of recurrence and 21 cases (36.8%) with persistence of the hematoma cavity for longer than 2 months after the first operation.

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