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Surgical Approaches for Cerebellopontine Angle/Petroclival Meningiomas Hiroki MORISAKO 1 , Takeo GOTO 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka Metropolitan University Graduate School of Medicine Keyword: 小脳橋角部髄膜腫 , 錐体斜台部髄膜腫 , 前後合併経錐体到達法 , 前経錐体到達法 , 外側後頭下到達法 , cerebello-pontine angle meningioma , petroclival meningioma , anterior and posterior combined transpetrosal approach , anterior transpetrosal approach , lateral suboccipital approach pp.749-761
Published Date 2024/7/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436204974
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 Considering that most meningiomas are pathologically benign, tumors located in the cerebellopontine angle and petroclival area should be reduced as much as possible, and radiation therapy should be administered if necessary. Consequently, relatively good preservation of cranial nerve function and local lesion control can be expected. However, because the lesions are generally located deep, and are surrounded by various important structures, performing surgical procedures is difficult, and careful management of the surgical strategy is important to avoid complications.

 Surgical outcomes have dramatically improved with the development of skull base and microsurgical techniques. The main surgical approaches for cerebellopontine angle meningiomas and petroclival meningiomas currently include the anterior and posterior combined transpetrosal, anterior transpetrosal, and lateral suboccipital approaches. Furthermore, with the recent developments in endoscopic surgery, minimally invasive surgery for skull base meningiomas has gradually been introduced.

 In this article, we explain the preoperative checkpoints, selection of the surgical approach, and surgical techniques for the resection of cerebellopontine angle meningiomas and petroclival meningiomas.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


