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急性脳主幹動脈閉塞におけるmechanical thrombectomy(MT)は,近年,複数のrandomized control trial(RCT)により内科的治療単独に対する優位性が証明されている8).しかし,M2 segment of middle cerebral artery(以下,M2)閉塞のみに限定すると,MTの有効性は未だ明らかではなく2),治療適応の慎重な検討が必要である.M2閉塞のMTではさまざまな問題点があり,その主なものとして,①解剖学的な血管の重なりにより閉塞部位の同定が困難な場合がある,②血栓が遠位に飛散した場合のMTの追加は極めて困難である,③デバイスによる血管への侵襲が危惧される,が挙げられる.
近年,stent retriever(SR)とaspiration device(AD)を組み合わせたさまざまなtechniqueも考案され,良好な治療成績が報告されている9,11-14).また解剖学的に口径の小さいM2でSRを展開する際に問題となる血管への侵襲を軽減する目的で,SRを部分展開する工夫も考案されている10).われわれは,急性M2閉塞に対し閉塞部位でのステント展開を必要最小限度(half-stent)にして,確実に血栓を回収する(Penumbra-assist)ことを目的としたPenumbra-assisted half-stent thrombectomyを行ってきた.われわれの初期治療経験を報告するとともに,急性M2閉塞に関するMTの現状について文献的考察を行う.
The benefits of mechanical thrombectomy(MT)for acute M2 occlusion have remained unclear because of unavoidable device-related complications due to vascular morphological characteristics. We developed a Penumbra-assisted half-stent thrombectomy for achieving secure retrieval of thrombus with minimal damage to the small-caliber vessel. In total, 6 patients were treated with MT for acute M2 occlusion using this technique between November 2016 and May 2017, including 3 men and 3 women, mean age 74.8(51-98)years. The mean baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was 17.5(6-32), and Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score-Diffusion-Weighted Imaging was 7.5(6-9). After navigation of the microcatheter through the thrombus in M2 supported by a Penumbra 4MAX as a distal access catheter, the stent retriever(SR)was partially deployed to cover the entire thrombus. The 4MAX was then advanced towards the caudal end of the thrombus, and the SR was pulled back into the 4MAX with simultaneous aspiration of the 4MAX. We used the Trevo XP3 in 5 patients and Revive SE in 1 patient. The mean procedure time from groin puncture to recanalization was 60(54-66)min. Successful recanalization(Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction score 2b or 3)was achieved in 5(83%)patients. There were no cases of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. Good outcome(modified Rankin Scale score 0 to 2)at 3 months was achieved in 3(50%)patients. Penumbra-assisted half-stent thrombectomy appears to be an effective alternative strategy in MT for acute M2 occlusion.

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