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鈍的外傷における椎骨動脈損傷(vertebral artery injury:VAI)の頻度は0.075〜0.53%2,4)と報告されているが,頚椎損傷に限ると19〜39%4,9,14,18)と稀ではなく,常に念頭に置くべき合併症である.VAIによる脳梗塞合併率は9〜54%8,19),死亡率は4〜8%4,8,18)とされ,さらに頚椎脱臼整復治療後の塞栓性脳梗塞は致命的7,21,23)であり,椎骨脳底動脈閉塞を来した場合の死亡率は75〜86%1)と極めて高率との報告もある.したがって,VAIのスクリーニングおよび早期診断と予防的治療は重要であるが,症例ごとに病態が異なるVAIの性質上,エビデンスのある治療指針の作成は難しい.抗凝固薬/抗血小板薬による保存的治療4,6,17)や血管内治療の有効性11-13,15)を示唆する報告がある一方,無症候性であれば特別な治療は不要22)という報告もあり,現時点でコンセンサスの得られた治療指針はない.また,頚椎損傷に対する治療や合併損傷がさらに治療を複雑かつ困難にしている4,17).当施設(兵庫県立加古川医療センター)での頚椎損傷に伴うVAIの治療経験から,至適治療方針と問題点について検討した.
OBJECTIVE:Vertebral artery injury(VAI)associated with cervical spine trauma has the potential to cause catastrophic vertebrobasilar stroke. However, there are no well-defined treatment recommendations for VAI. The purpose of this study was to identify an effective treatment strategy for VAI following cervical spine trauma.
METHODS:Ninety-seven patients with blunt cervical spine trauma were treated at Hyogo Prefectural Kakogawa Medical Center between January 2013 and September 2017. Of these patients, 49 underwent computed tomographic angiography or magnetic resonance angiography for evaluation of the vertebral artery. Eighteen patients(36.7%)had a diagnosis of VAI. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical features, treatment, and outcomes in these 18 patients.
RESULTS:Seven patients(38.9%)had bilateral VAI, 16(88.9%)had cervical dislocation, and 2(11.1%)had transverse process fractures extending into the transverse foramen. Surgical reduction was performed in 14 patients. Five patients with either bilateral or unilateral occlusion underwent parent artery occlusion before reduction. There were no complications after this procedure. Two patients with bilateral VAI had a stroke before treatment. There were no infarctions in the distribution of the vertebrobasilar artery after intervention. The perioperative stroke rate was relatively good, and almost all Glasgow Outcome Scale scores were related to the degree of spinal cord injury.
CONCLUSIONS:Aggressive screening for VAI is important in patients with cervical spine trauma in order to ensure adequate treatment. Although the treatment strategy described here could yield good results, it may require modification according to the needs of the individual patient.

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