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I.はじめに 転移性脳腫瘍の中では,肺癌を原発巣とするものが最も高頻度にみられるが,転移部位としては大脳半球が最も多く松果体部転移は比較的稀である2,3,13).一方,原発巣よりも松果体転移部の神経症状で発症し治療された報告例はみられない.今回,われわれは松果体部転移巣による症状にて発症した肺癌転移性脳腫瘍の1例を経験したので高齢者松果体部腫瘍の鑑別診断について若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A rare case is reported of pineal metastasis from lung cancer initially caused by neurological abnormalities of pineal tumor.
A 70-year-old female suffering from headache and deterioration of consciousness for 1 week was admitted. She also had a tumor on both sides of her neck. On admission, neurological examination revealed disturb-ance of upward gaze, and CT scans showed hyd-rocephalus and pineal tumor. The tumor was seen as a slightly high density mass on non-contrast CT, and was homogenously enhanced after administration of con-trast material.

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