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松果体部にはgerm cell tumorをはじめさまざまの腫瘍が発生するが,松果体部の転移性腫瘍は報告も稀であり,脳の転移性腫瘍としては例外的発生部位と考えられている.最近,われわれは上方注視麻痺を初期症状とした胃癌の松果体部転移例を経験する機会を得たので,これを報告するとともに,過去の文献をもとに発生頻度に関する統計的事項について述べる.
This is a report of a rare case of pineal metastasis from gastric adenocarcinoma.
A 75-year-old male with a previous medical history of subtotal gastrectomy for cancer of the cardia was di-agnosed as having hydrocephalus 6 months later. After undergoing a V-P shunt operation, he was transfered to Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital.
The patient had neurological abnormalities : bilateral paralysis of upward eye movement, and bilateral slug-gish reflex to light.
Ten days later the patient suddenly fell into a coma clue to intratumoral hemorrhage. The patient soon re-gained consciousness and received Cobalt-therapy.

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