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Neck clippingが困難な内頸動脈瘤に対する根治術として,時にtrappingが行われているが,いかに脳虚血.を最小限に食い止めるかが予後を左右する最大の因子であろう,われわれは,このようなtrapping時のEC-ICbypassに際し,radial artery graftを用いて良好な結果を得たので,その2症例を呈示する.また,従来からの浅側頭動脈(STA),saphenous vein graftと対比し,ra—dial artery graftの特徴と今後の応用についても検討した.
Trapping and EC-IC bypass surgery was performed for two cases of internal carotid aneurysm using the ra-dial artery as bypass material. Neither case has any permanent neurological deficit because of an adequate blood supply via the radial artery graft bypass. Although the radial artery graft has been in common use among cardiac surgeons, it is still rare in the neuro-surgical field. The advantage of the radial artery is dis-cussed with comparison to other graft materials such as saphenous vein and superficial temporal artery.

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