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腰仙部脊髄脂肪腫は比較的稀な疾患とされ,全脊髄腫瘍の約1%を占めると言われている.潜在性二分脊椎症に合併することが多く,皮下脂肪腫も伴いやすい.腰仙部皮下脂肪腫は主に新生児,乳児期に発見されるが,その際二分脊椎,脊髄脂肪腫の併存を疑い精査を進める必要がある.私たちは,腰仙部皮下脂肪腫,潜在性二分脊椎を合併した脊髄脂肪腫で,手術を施行した乳児を経験し,診断上CTに加えMRI(magnetic resonance imag—ing)が有用であったので,画像診断と手術所見につき,若干の文献的考察を加え報告したい.
A 6-month-old boy having intraspinal lipoma with lumbosacral subcutaneous lipoma and occult spinal dys-raphism is described. CT scan and megnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are demonstrated.
On admission, the patient showed no nourological de-ficits. Lumbosacral hemangioma and subcutaneous lipo-ma were noticed on physical examination. A plain spin-al roentogenogram revealed occult spinal dysraphism extending from L 4 level clown to the sacral region. A plain CT scan disclosed a round-shaped low density area surrounded by a relatively high density area cor-responding to the neural tissue in the spinal canal.

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