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腰・下肢痛の原因としてのsacral cystの報告は,以前より散見されるが,日常診療上診断することは稀である.また報告者により,sacral perineural cust, sacral extradural cyst, occult intrasacral meningoceleなどと混同して用いている場合も多い.今回われわれは,一過性の右下肢の脱力で発症し,脊髄造影およびCTにてsac—ral cystを認め,手術および組織学的所見より,sacral perineural cystと診断し得た症例を経験したので報告する.
The presence of cysts within the sacral spinal canal, so-called sacral cysts, is described in literature.
These include 'sacral perineural cyst', 'sacral extradu-ral cyst',' occult intrasacral meningocele' and 'anterior sacral meningocele'. Sacral perineuml cyst in these cys-tic disorders was first described as an incidental auto-psy finding by Tarlov in 1938. Since then, several re-ports have been made describing the sign and symp-tom, neurological findings, roentogenographic diagnosis and cause and origin of the sacral perineural cysts, although many problems are not yet solved satisfactori-ly.
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