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CTスキャン導入前の橋出血の報告は,臨床症状や脳波,ときには脳室撮影,剖検所見などよりなされたものが多かったが,CTスキャンの導入以来,単に診断が容易になったばかりでなく,血腫の拡がりや量がわかることにより,その予後の判定もある程度可能となった.そこで今回われわれはCT所見における血腫の形態学的伸展度,血腫の橋内占拠率と生命および機能予後の関係,さらに急性期臨床症状と予後との関連について検討した結果について報告する.またAuditory Brainstem Res—ponse(ABR)の経時的検索の有用性についても触れたい。
Forty-three cases of primary pontine hemorrhage were seen in our hospital from 1979 to 1986. We stud-ied the correlations between clinical signs, CT, ABR findings and their outcomes, and then reported surgical results.
The case consisted of 30 males and 13 females be-tween 32 to 73 years with an average age of 54.5. Thir-ty cases were confirmed to have had hypertension prior to the hemorrhage. In ten other cases hypertension was suspected, although their past histories were not obtained. In the remaining three cases, no hypertension was detected.

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