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opiate receptorが脳において確認されて以来17,脳組織内に存在しモルヒネ様活性を有するペプチド,すなわちendorphinの研究が盛んになった.naloxoneはこのreceptorにopiateと競合的に作用する拮抗剤である.endorphinsは鎮痛,下垂体ホルモン分泌,情動,体温調節などの作用に関与するが,HoladayとFaden10)はendorphinsがendotoxinショック発現の病態生理に関与すると考え,endotoxinとopiateの拮抗剤であるnaloxoneを同時にラットに投与してendotoxinショックを防いだ.
The effect of naloxone, opiate antagonist, wasinvestigated on systemic arterial blood pressure (BP), cerebral blood flow (CBF), and cerebral oxygen consumption in the cat brain following occlusion of themiddle cerebral artery (MCA). A total of 21 adultcats was studied under the anesthesia of α-chloralose(50 mg/kg). The left MCA was exposed and coagulated using transorbital approach under a operationmicroscope. Naloxone of 5 mg/kg was administratedintravenously within 30 minutes after MCA occlusionin early therapy group and 2.5 hours after the occlusion in delayed therapy group.
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