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われわれは,一側性の眼球突出,眼球結膜充血を伴う,中硬膜動脈・板間静脈瘻に同部位の頭蓋骨肥厚を認めた1症例を経験した,本症例では組織所見は得られていないが,X線単純写,血管写所見よりaneurysmalhone cystと診断し,結合型エストロゲンの持続動注療法により動静脈瘻の閉鎖と症状の寛解をみたので,若干の考察を加えて報告する.
A case of aneurysmal bone cyst of the fronto-parietal bone was reported. The patient was a 48-year-old female with the complaints of conjunctival hyperemia and exophthalmus of the right side.
Right selective externography revealed both arterio-venous fistula between right middle meningeal artery and diploic vein, and abnormal venous pooling draining into right superior ophthalmic vein.
These symptoms probably caused by the increased intraorbital venous pressure in the right side.
Skull plain film and CT scan showed blow-outappearance of right fronto-parietal bone in accordance with the enlargement of diploic space.

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