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近年,高性能の成分採血装置やprogram freezcrが開発され,自家骨髄移植を併用した大量抗癌剤投与療法が注目を集めている.悪性脳腫瘍に対しても,自家骨髄移植を併用してCCNUおよびBCNUの大量投与を行った経験が,すでにHildebrandら4),Fayら2),Hoch-bergら5),桑村ら6,7)により報告されている.自家骨髄移植により骨髄機能は比較的速やかに回復するが,呼吸器系や中枢神経系などの骨髄以外の臓器に対する大量抗癌剤投与の副作用が新たな問題としてクローズアップされている.
High dose ACNU and radiation therapy with auto-logous bone marrow rescue was performed in a 3-year-old boy suffering from cerebellar medulloblastoma,whose main mass had been removed at operation whenwidespread subarachnoid tumor dissemination wasalready present.
The myelosuppression, which is a major side effectof high dose chemotherapy, was successfully preventedby the autologous bone marrow grafting and the serialCT scans showed complete dissappearance of thetumor. However, the patient died on the 53rd dayafter the administration of ACNU of respiratory com-plication which was most likely due to pulmonaryfibrosis.
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