

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Neurophysiological Study on Psychiatric Symptoms in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus:Clinical evaluation by the contingent negative variation Yoichi KATAYAMA 1 , Takashi TSUBOKAWA 1 , Takashi TSUKIYAMA 1 , Hiroshi NISHIMOTO 1 , Nobuo MORIYASU 1 1Department of Neurological Surgery, Nihon University School of Medicine Keyword: Normal pressure hydrocephalus , Contingent negative variation , Psychiatric symptom pp.315-323
Published Date 1981/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436201290
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Changes in the contingent negative variations (CNVs) were investigated in 15 patients with the normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) caused by the subarachnoid hemorrhage. CNVs were recorded by S1 (WS, click)-S2 (IS, electrical stimulation of the median nerve with the intensity 10V above the motor threshold)-R (button pressing) and S1 (CS, click)-S2'(UCS, painful electrical stimulation of finger tip) paradigms. Same recordings were also carried out in 17 almostly same aged patients with brain atrophy and 13 normal subjects as control.

Copyright © 1981, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


