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現在水頭症やその他の疾患にshunt手術が広く積極的に行なわれている.ところが脳室腹腔吻合術(以後V-P shuntとする)の合併症は脳室心房吻合術(以後V-A shuntとする)と違って重篤な合併症が少ないという点からかあまり重要視されていないようである.最近,我々はV-P shunt術後に腹腔側tubeが腸穿孔を起し肛門より排出し,その後髄膜炎を併発した1例を経験したので,V-P shunt術後合併症特に腸穿孔に関して若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
Case is 23 year-old-man, Who was admitted to the University Hospital with a diagnosis of acoustic neurinoma as a manifestation of von Recklinghausen's disease. V-P shunt was performed because of the increased intracranial pressure and post-operative course was complicated by repeated bout of meningitis. Otherwise, postoperative course was uneventful till about 7 month after placement of V-P shunt when the proximal end of the shunt tube perforated into the lumen of the intestine and about 30 cm length of shunt tube emerged from anus. Subsequently the patient developed meningitis.

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