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11歳の小児の頭蓋内に石灰化を伴う巨大な腫瘍を認め,臨床症状および手術所見から当初meningiomaと考えたが,腫瘍全摘後の詳細な病理組織学的検索の結果前頭骨内板から発生した所謂 ossifying fibromaと判明した症例を経験した.このように頭蓋骨から発生して頭蓋内に大きなmassを形成した症例の記載は殆んどみられない.
骨腫瘍の分類上ossifying fibromaのorigin及びその呼称の妥当性に関しては尚幾分一致しない点もあるが,本例の病理組織学的所見に基づいて考察を加えて報告する.
A huge calcified intracranial mass was revealed in the plain craniogram of 11 year old boy suffering from convulsive seizure (Fig. 1). Meningioma involving the left frontal bone was suspected by cerebral angiography and brain scan (Fig. 2). Total removal of a hard and sharply circumscribed tumor weighing 230 gm together with the left frontal involved bone was successfully performed (Fig. 4). The tumor was expansile and compressed bitaleral frontal lobes.
Microscopically numerous neoplastic bone trabeculae associated with osteocytes were scattered in the abundant fibrous tissue (Fig. 5).
Copyright © 1973, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.