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頭位回旋時に椎骨脳底動脈循環不全を来す病態としては,頚椎C1/2レベルでの回旋を原因とするBow Hunter's syndromeがよく知られているが,C5/6レベルでの頚椎病変による報告は渉猟し得た範囲では少ない.今回われわれは,頭位回旋による右椎骨動脈の閉塞が,一過性の脳幹虚血症状の原因と考えられた1症例を経験した.当初は心房細動を伴っていたため心原性塞栓症として加療していたが,頭位回旋時に脳虚血症状を呈することから頚部を精査したところ,C5/6の頚椎症性変化により椎骨動脈が閉塞することが判明し,前方アプローチによる椎骨動脈減圧術を施行した.症例を呈示し,発症機序について手術所見をもとに文献的考察を加え報告する.
A 68-year-old man presented with sudden onset of left hemiparesis, diplopia and numbness of the left side of the body and was admitted to our hospital. MRI of the brain revealed no abnormality. However, neurological examination on admission strongly suggested ischemia of the brainstem. Under anticoagulation therapy his symptoms gradually disappeared by the fourth hospital day. He had a past history of bouts of unconsciousness caused by right rotation of the head. Dynamic plain roentgenograms of the cervical spine showed spondylotic changes and lateral osteophyte formation at C5/6 without instability. Computed tomography (CT)-angiography demonstrated narrowing of the right vertebral artery due to compression of the lateral osteophyte at C5/6. Vertebral angiography revealed complete occlusion of the right vertebral artery induced by right rotation of the head. The artery-to-artery embolism caused by repeated occlusion of the right vertebral artery due to the neck motion was suggested as the mechanism of ischemic attack in this patient. Osteophytectomy at C5/6 via the anterior approach successfully treated dynamic occlusion of the right vertebral artery. Occlusion of the vertebral artery at C1/2 by the head rotation is well known as Bow-Hunter's syndrome. However, dynamic occlusion due to spondylotic changes at C5/6 is rare. In case of ischemic attack of the posterior circulation with lateral osteophyte formation of the cervical spine, dynamic occlusion mechanisms of the vertebral artery at the lower cervical level should be considered.

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