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人の椎骨脳底動脈系の循環動態を明らかにするため,次のような検討を行った。対象は,椎骨脳底動脈循環不全症と診断した症例のうち椎骨動脈起始部に強い屈出,蛇行,狭窄などを認め,外科的に血管走行の矯正,柵状狭窄物の除去,perivascular sympathectomy等を行った45症例である。この術中に椎骨動脈血流量(VAF)を電磁血流計で測定し,人為的血圧変動のVAFへの影響を検討した。人為的血圧変動は,トリメタファン静注,フェニレフリン静注,頸部硬膜外麻酔による頸部交感神経ブロック,頸部硬膜外麻酔による頸部交感神経ブロック下でのフェニレフリン静注法で行った。人為的血圧変動前のVAFは平均54ml/min,体動脈圧は97mmHgであった。人為的血圧変動のVAFへの影響は,∇V/∇S(∇V:血圧変動前後のVAFの差と血圧変動前のVAFの比,∇S;血圧変動前後での体動脈圧の差と血圧変動前の体動脈圧の比)により検討した。トリメタファン静注,フェニレフリン静注,頸部硬膜外麻酔,頸部硬膜外麻酔下でのフェニレフリン静注による∇V/∇Sは,各々,平均−0.05,0.07,0.90,0.61で,後2者で有意なVAFの変化が認められた(P<0.05)。
Few hemodynamic studies on the vertebral artery system in the human can be seen. The authors measured the vertebral arterial blood flow (VAF) with an electromagnetic flow meter in 45 patients who obtained vertebral arterial surgeries. The patients showing vertebrobasilar insufliciecy such as vertigo and drop attack had serious kinking and stenosis at the first portion of the vertebral artery. The effects of induced hypotension by trimethaphan camsilate, induced hypertension by phenylephrine, cervical epidural anesthesia and induced hypertension under epidural anesthesia on the VAF were investigated.
During the control state, mean systemic arterial blood pressure (SABP), mean VAF were 97 mmHg and 54 ml/min, respectively. The effects of varied SPBP were analyzed by (Δmean VAF/mean VAF)/ (Δmean SABP/mean SABP), (ΔV/ ΔS).
The Δmean VAF and Δmean SABP indicated varied mean values of VAF and SABP, respec-tively. Mean SABP was varied significantly by about 25% in each method. The ΔV/ΔS in induced hypotension, induced hypertension, epidural anes-thesia and induced hypertension under epidural anesthesia were -0.05, 0.07, 0.90 and 0.61, re-spectively, on the average. Induced hypotension by epidural anesthesia and induced hypertension under epidural anesthesia presented significant changes in mean VAF.
This study suggests that the vertebral arterial system has excellent autoregulatory response tovaried SABP by trimethaphan and phenylephrine. Further, the cervical sympathetic nervous system has an important role in this vertebral autoregula-tory response.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.